elanamatic: Polluted.
Went to see The Trews at The Horseshoe last night. Amazing gig. Lots of fun. Had more vodka sodas last night then i could count.
I was with people from work. We kept the party going long after getting kicked out of the bar. I ended up crawling into bed besides the dude (who had abandoned me before the band even went on, granted they hit the stage well after midnight.) sometime around 5 a.m.
Despite my careful advil and water pre-crash regimen, I woke up feeling loaded around 7 a.m. I somehow convinced my body to sleep a bit more, but by 10 a.m. I was fully awake. Today is one of those brilliantly sunny winter days, where the snow glare can penetrate right through your shades.. I spent most of the afternoon enjoying that spring feverish rush.
It's now about 4:00 p.m. and my friend Anat is on her way over. We're supposed to hang while our hubbies act macho and pig out on burgers while playing poker during superbowl. I am concerned that I am on the verge of passing out...
How was your weekend?