The Wrong Squid: Pugs not drugs
So I got the idea yesterday that my friend needs to get a pug and name it Dr. Fudge. I would do this myself, but I don't have the energy to be a dog owner. There's all the walking in all sorts of weather, and the picking up of the poop. With a pug that's no so bad, it would sort of be like picking up a warm tootsie roll, but I also sort of want a Great Pyrenees, and I don't want to have to pick up poops that are bigger than my own. Those poops are too big. It would make me feel like a cleaning person in a hotel where Sylvester Stallone stays, because allegedly he likes to crap in the shower. I wish I was famous.
I have considered the idea of getting a pug and then getting a Mr. Turtle Pool and growing grass in there and just letting the dog do its dirty sinful business right there, and then I wouldn't have to go outside if it was cold and shitty, or I was sick or something. I suppose a dog that small could be litter trained, but that seems sort of emasculating.
Kitties you just give some food and they pretend to like you. No walking or anything. Kitties are low maintenance, except for the occasional barfing or dead mouse in your bed. Still better than some roommates I've had.