honky cracker: fever-induced brain-fry dreamin'
The one thing I look forward to about getting a fever is that it will fry my brain enough so that it will bring me wonderfully strange dreams in the night.
Last night I dreamt that Emperor George II rounded up all the left-leaning people in the country and flew them to Cambodia. He told us all that we were going to a Buddhist retreat in Tibet. (apparently, in his mind, all left-leaning folk are Buddhist or something... he probably said this just to calm all the hippies down... I think he mentioned something about a Grateful Dead concert as well... Man, I hate the Dead...) But no, he turned us over to some weird, straight-outta-Indiana-Jones-and-the-Temple-of-Doom religious cult who were going to human-sacrifice us all by throwing us into a bonfire and making soup from our charred remains.
There wa a huge line of us out in front of the temple -- a towering stone structure adorned by masked dancing tribesmen, and a High Priest who placed each victim inside a fifteen-foot high bonfire. When the body was sufficiently charred, it would fall 20 feet below the fire, into a boiling broth with all the other vicitms bodies.
Bruce Campbell -- he of Living Dead fame -- was ahead of me in line. (Now, to be sure, I don't know what Bruce's political views are... but in this dream he was a left-leaning thinker just like myself.) When we got close enough to the temple and figured out what was going on, I turned to Bruce and said, "Uh-uh. We ain't goin' out like that."
Bruce turned back to me and said "No. We ain't goin' out like that."
It was nighttime, and the only light we had was the light of the bonfire. Securtiy in this line wasn't the tightest, so we snuck away to the corner of a jungly forest. Bruce found a path through the vegetation.
"Let's rock." he said, and we made our way down the path and into a river.
We dove into the river and swam downstream. We got about 20 yards or so when -- you guessed it -- zombies started climbing out from everywhere. From under the water, from the river banks. Even out from the tops of the trees.
For some reason, both Bruce and I were carrying swords. So we chopped ourselves up some zombie ass as we rode the current downstream, ridding the land, the sea, and air of the zombies' evil presence.
Then I woke up and had some coffee.