Dear Terrorists,
Spectacular? That is quite a word to use. I mean, I can only imagine in my darkest nightmares what a spectacular terrorist incident could be.

So, I am still not sure why the hell people are trying to kill me. And by 'Me', I mean Americans. The funny thing about living in NYC, is that it's a town that has all these non-white Americans that the normal Joe six-pack would be more than happy for you to kill. I am not trying to draw the target off of NYC, but I just always think about the rest of the country saying sarcastically, "don't hit NYC, no, no. Stop."

Ok, so why are you trying to kill me?
Is it oil? Is it because of Israel? Is it because of my country putting army guys in Saudi Arabia? Is it because of our free-willing lifestyle with mini-skirts and go-go boots? Is it because of some sort of holy land issue - as if anyone's god gives a crap about real estate?

I have a feeling it could be a combination of all those things, but I also think that maybe it's because you guys are jerks, too.
I mean, look at the Taliban - those guys needed to be in therapy. Nothing a woman wears or doesn't wear justifies the throwing of acid in her face. Is that the utopian world you dream of?

This fear thing is making me cranky.

So, I guess the master plan is to destroy the United States, and then move onto Europe and then Asia and let the world economy blow up and send everyone spiraling into the dark ages where you can come in and rule the place with your fundamentalist vision of life.

There you go.

Your target,

Robot Head
PantsTowne USA

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