My new years resolution is that you stop using the saying "from soup to nutz." Frankly, I have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
From Soup to Nutz
What is that? I'll tell you what it is. It's fucking vulgar that's what it is, and it makes you sound like a towney, you fuck.
So here's my required list of best music (top 10) from 2002, I did this whole thing myself, from soup to nutz!
Bjork-Family Tree This twisted little Icelandic fuck tittilates as you act as co-pilot through her illustrious career.
Michael Jackson-Off the Wall This talented art rock trio strips away the pretensions of the genre to create a soulful album of angst ridden fables.
White Stripes-White Blood Cells Meg White is the sweetest cracker on the slop farm. She hits the skins hard.
Bitter and Pensive-the Sobczak Sessions "Sobczak of My Desire," "I Get Beat up on the Playground," this is Emo for the rest of us.
KLUTCH.xls-the Shocker EP This is the one ring that binds them all.
Guns n' Roses-Chinese Democracy If you play this album backwards you'd be the first person besides Axl to ever hear it.
Nirvana I was looking forward to this for a year but was upset that they recorded over Kurt Cobain's vocals with the singer from Silverchair. Still . . . in a year of bad music, this makes the top ten.
Flaming Lips-Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots I had this for my Game Boy Color a couple years ago, and now it is on everyone's best list for 2002, so I guess I should include it on mine too.
Hopefully 2003 will bring as much joy and f sharps as last year. I need something new to try out on the Hi-Fi I got for x-miss.