
Yesterday, I had a chilling horrified moment. I was scared shitless that I have so much of my life (ostensibly) to live. I'm only in the first third. So many decisions... so much sorrow... ebb and flow of friendships... death. It was daunting. It may be imagined, but I feel that I've already gone through so much more shaping sorrow than others. The only parts of my life that I even feel I may as well be awake for is my parts that involve love. Now that I have all the love even my thirsty heart requires (although there's always room for flattery), it's rather interesting to look at the other aspects of my life. Of course life's path scares me mostly because I don't have any plans or paths scouted. It's all a hold-your-breath-and-jump proposition.

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words from Kristen

Also, as seen on Solstice