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feliz cumpleanos a rich re-cap

medium pimping: my life as a cockroach

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›bio: raquel

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›that week

'le vie c'est tres droll'

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next monday night, I will resume my former life as a cockroach.

while this endeavor is perhaps humbling and wearing a tutu and union suit and six legs may jeopardize my pride, I will bravely go forth unto the night, antennae intact. I will do this in the name of Two Noses , my theater company of 5 years running. [shout out to the happyrobot for our wikked website] the cockroaches appear on occasion as an homage to our first show entitled, you guessed it, The Cockroach Show.

I figure it could be worse I could have awakened changed in my bed into a monsterous vermin, and let me tell you I awoke this morning in exactly the same outfit I was wearing last night smelling like smoke.

if you are around the LES in the 212 and you like to laugh, come on down for the madcap adventures of cockroaches, industry created pop bands, country singers, mike daisey, and other assorted kooks.

Ah mo be dere.

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feliz cumpleanos a rich re-cap

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