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medium pimping: WAR, what is it good for?

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›bio: raquel

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'le vie c'est tres droll'

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Adopting doggies from the shelter apparently.

Saturday night, K--- , who has been a close close friend since we were 10, turns to me and says, "Would you think it was weird if we got a dog?"

She and her husband already have 2 cats. In a Manhattan apartment. I didn't take her seriously.

"Oh, that won't do at all. I won't get enough attention if you have to be walking the dog all the time. I'm going to have to put my foot down on this one."

Cut to Sunday night when in their apartment is the Oscars Live on the television box and Bailey. They couldn't tell me what breed he is, but he's the biggest dog the shelter had to offer.

"We wanted to take the dog that was least likely to get adopted. You will like him.", she swore, "He has soulful eyes. He's chasing the cats around right now. They aren't really appreciating it."

Now going to their place will be like a trip to the Nature Channel. But cha know - my friends - they got some big hearts.

There is a Portugese saying: A man without a dog or a cat is a scoundrel. That would be me. But what is a man with a dog and a cat? Or a woman for that matter? Word contest!!!!!


And now for a strange coincidence:

Also on Saturday night, K--- and I are starving and have 2 hours to kill before seeing Bend it like Beckham. (See 2 sentence movie review for more details on that). We are on the Upper West Side, I REFUSE to make hanging out there a habit, but there we were. And we duck into Sushi-A-Go-Go.

There is a couple sitting by the door. The woman instantly recognizes my friend K--- and the man looks real familiar to me. Get this: Turns out K--- went to music camp with this woman, and I went to junior high AND camp with her husband! And then the two of them went off and got married! And then, years later, they went out for sushi at the same place we did! Bizarre!

I recognized the guy right away. After all, we had our first love scene together at camp from Fiddler on the Roof. But K--- couldn't quite place the woman until she saw her email address. It was something like iamshort@internet.net. K--- after some clever sleuthing surmised that in chorus they must have stood next to each other, as K--- is also quite petite. All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place as we stuffed our faces with fishes in the teeny town of Manhattanberg.

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