ornithopter: The Story of Brandon - Chapter IV

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the story of brandon - chapter iii shumai ";tour"; diary

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President and Vice President '08
Pete Doherty Can Get Arrested In Any Town He Wants To, Thank You Very Much
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· Diet Coke - incessantly
· One word: Hamdogs
· NPR - Constantly
· The Golden Compass
Brandon's Problems With Women, part one
Apparently Brandon was once on a TV dating show. I think it was Elimidate. Yeah, that was it. It's this show where one person has to whittle down a group of suitors (suitoresses?) to the one they like best. They usually take place in LA where the people are shallow and stupid enough, or desperate enough for a SAG card, not to find this humiliating.

We were sitting in the living room watching TV and after telling me about Vin Deisel's documentary for the third time, he revealed that he had appeared on the show when it came to Boston. Needless to say, he was so not aware of the awfulness of this show. Suddenly, it all came rushing back to me; I had actually seen this episode. I watched it because it took place in Boston and I guess had hopes of seeing someone I knew or something. But since the whole episode took place at the biggest meat market in town, The Rack, no one I knew would be anywhere near the place.
I remember thinking how embarrassed I was that these ridiculous people were in any way representing my home town. Brandon did not win the fine young lady's hand. She picked some other guy with a really thick Boston accent who's dancing she preferred. This is an important factor in choosing a mate as most of your long marriages are based on dancing ability. Poor, dumb Brandon.

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the story of brandon - chapter iii shumai ";tour"; diary

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