Post-Modern Drunk: A New Home
It's been years since I've posted here, and I know we've mostly moved on to Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, or our non-digital lives, but this is an official acknowledgment that my primary writing destination has moved.
I have joined Substack, and launched Notes from Above Ground there. Substack works as a blog, and as a newsletter, so if you go over there and give your email address, new posts will be mailed out to you when I publish them. Or you can view the site for the archives, or follow via RSS.
It seems crazy to me that the future of the internet feels like email newsletters rather than knowledge being downloaded directly into our hippocampus, but that's apparently where we are in this brave new world of content.
The focus at Notes from Above Ground is a little different from Post-Modern Drunkard--there's less of a focus on the drunkard part of my life, that's for sure. Doctors call that Alcohol Use Disorder these days, any way. Notes from Above Ground retains my signature wit and rage, but focuses on life with chronic illness--the things it takes to keep me above ground, and the things that make staying above ground worthwhile.
I hope to see y'all there, and elsewhere.