Just got the update from mark concerning Wilmington and all the people.
my god. I love the idea of that town and those people and that place.
Jason and the blue post reign. Sandie and the soapbox.
The bare trees and warm sun.
I think - if I go there now - I would feel at home and only panic after five days.
Oh god, all the things.
Of course, I can't explain.
I'm in a low grade depression and writer's block.
That's why all these missives have been so choppy.
Knuckling through. For some reason, I think it will be better in january.
The 'kill me now' motto had abated, and I only said it once yesterday.
Now, I'm at work - and even that - I'll be over with soon. Thanks to the flu.
Oh, all the things.
My heart is enmeshed in the solar system. I love all of them - and the idea of them - so much, and it probably isn't even known.
Now, I must go and write thank you letters.