aliens: 20th anniversary edition
director: ridley scott
Down here at the bunker we love scary movies, in fact this joint is lousy with stuff going bump in the night. Aliens is a classic, the type of film that knows what you don't see is a hell of a lot scarier than what you do see. So I fixed myself a Scotch Grande and hunkered down in front of the tube and sooner than you can shout "Goddamit, don't go back for the f-----g cat, what the f----s wrong with you" I was hooked all over again.

This letterboxed DVD looks amazing and sounds fantastic, Ridley Scott was definitely onto something back in the day, between this film and Blade Runner he created a distinct look for the future which has been copied numerous times since.

Build-up is everything in this film, it takes it's time telling the story and when the alien is introduced you know trouble is on it's way, but you're on pins and needles waiting for it to happen. The scene where the alien busts out of John Hurt's chest still rocks too.

As for extra stuff, there are a ton of deleted scenes which don't add much to the film except for this one amazing scene where Ripley finds Dallas still alive in an alien cocoon…..so cool. There's also storyboards and a gallery of marketing art (posters, novelizations, lobby cards, that sorta stuff). You can also peruse the production art from the likes of HR Giger if you really wanna be up all night.

Scary stuff.
reviewed by: JohnLawton |  August 2000 [link] |  recommend

aliens: 20th anniversary edition
director: ridley scott
Down here at the bunker we love scary movies, in fact this joint is lousy with stuff going bump in the night. Aliens is a classic, the type of film that knows what you don't see is a hell of a lot scarier than what you do see. So I fixed myself a Scotch Grande and hunkered down in front of the tube and sooner than you can shout "Goddamit, don't go back for the f-----g cat, what the f----s wrong with you" I was hooked all over again.

This letterboxed DVD looks amazing and sounds fantastic, Ridley Scott was definitely onto something back in the day, between this film and Blade Runner he created a distinct look for the future which has been copied numerous times since.

Build-up is everything in this film, it takes it's time telling the story and when the alien is introduced you know trouble is on it's way, but you're on pins and needles waiting for it to happen. The scene where the alien busts out of John Hurt's chest still rocks too.

As for extra stuff, there are a ton of deleted scenes which don't add much to the film except for this one amazing scene where Ripley finds Dallas still alive in an alien cocoon…..so cool. There's also storyboards and a gallery of marketing art (posters, novelizations, lobby cards, that sorta stuff). You can also peruse the production art from the likes of HR Giger if you really wanna be up all night.

Scary stuff.
reviewed by: JohnLawton |  August 2000 [link] |  recommend

around the world in 80 days!
director: frank coraci
Every time Jackie Chan says the name of the lead character Phineas Fogg, it sounds like another four-letter word that starts with F, if you follow my drift. The movie is shot in wacky-bombastic CGI-vision, filled with bad acting and incredibly odd celebrity cameos--I suggest watching it if you want to feel like you're high, but you're not, because the movie is so surreal.
reviewed by: victoria |  February 2005 [link] |  recommend

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