past future

from Asia in Switzerland
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›post #9
›bio: asia

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›that week

kiene angst: Deconstructing Stefan
Tonight I rented 'Deconstructing Harry' from the local library (possibly Woody Allen's last watchable film).

After a few minutes Stefan poked his head out of the office and said, "I've never heard Woody Allen's real voice before... its awful! ... The German one's better"

This gave me thoughts to mull over.

Is it possible to recreate the Woody Allens of this world into other languages (and cultures)? Does New York translate?

Sometimes its good to be reminded that Stefan really is from an entirely other world and culture... where Woody Allen is angst ridden in a whole different sense of the word. Where 'Knight Rider is still in regular rotation.

The audiences here definitley respond more to physical humour - slapstick - then to verbal banter. Sarcasm is tragically lost on them - and now that I can read the subtitles with fairly decent comprehension - its obvious the translators either can't do it justice or don't bother.

Is it just as odd for them to hear an actors real voice as it is for us to hear a dubbed one? What an odd concept of reality.

We were watching 'The Fifth Element' on TV last week. In the opening act peaceful aliens come to egypt to recue some sacred stones from the encroaching effects of the second world war. An old Archeologist stutteers at them, "Are ... are you Germans?"

In the Dubbed version he said, "Are ... are you from the Earth?"

I wonder what they do with real Nazi movies?

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