
OK, I'll admit it. It was one of the best days I've had in recent memory, but it did involve pot. So Mark was working one Saturday. (Have I already told you this story?) I was high, and I went shopping. What a great experience. I bought my party dress at Sears (the only place I even go in the Mall because when you're raised in Atlanta - Shopping Mall capital of the South- by a mother who considers shopping an activity of fun, you learn to almost hate the word "Mall"). The only thing is that I was feeling really really great about my body. So the dress is sleevless and cut to below the divot in my chest (although I hear not many people have divots in their chest - so it's cut really low). Also, you know how I have this new attitude of accepting myself, well that also can be translated into: I don't exercise unless I want to and I rarely want to.

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Also, as seen on Solstice