
Here's what I like to call "Scenes from my Morning Minutiae":
- my green tea this morning is tooooo bitter to drink, and I'm not at all sure I have the $1.10 necessary for coffee (at McDonalds no less)
- I feel dazed and wracked by worry at why I seem to be plugging along with no financial crisis. Oh yes, it must be on the horizon. Things are toooo good right now
- I have almost no hours on my timecard this week and wonder how I shall pay my bills. I'm not certain how much money I have as paying attention to such things only depresses one
- The tea is much better (although not ideal) if you drink it from the carafe and not filter it through the spout... hmmmm. Conclusion? I should have washed out my thermos not rinsed out.
- Come what may, I intend to play in July and live life worry free
- My car needs an oil change
- I love my little furry shabies sooooooo much.
- I'm hoping the green tea may cause hallucinations as it tastes different than I've ever had. Could it be fermented?
- Whilst sitting in the restroom I realized that I'm weary of pot. And frightened. It scared me to be so in love with myself and in tune. I didn't think a drug should be that powerful. I shall now treat it with respect.
- There's always the tenants (mark and I are landlords) to have muck up our life.
- Yoga was quite easy yesterday. We didn't do any of the hard exercises. I'll have to do them on my own today or tomorrow.
- I keep thinking of that beautiful Radiohead song that I loved whilst stoned. I felt like it was such a beautiful love song (although not necessarily to a known lover). The line I keep singing is "You and whose army... you think you drive me crazy..." It sounds much better than it reads.
- I'm not sure what posting on happyrobot.net means to me. Have I changed due to it? Has anyone been entertained? I seem carnally addicted to spewing forth many of my thoughts of the moment. Maybe I'll retire after a year and print everything I've written (for the grandcats of course).
- I think that's all I'm thinking - besides of Mark and his happiness, Gulas and his emptiness, what a good calling realtor is for steve fox, that I missed my nieces birthday again, and of course rosebud.

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words from Kristen

Also, as seen on Solstice