
Had a fabulous time at a cocktail paty last night. I must admit, I was a bit pleasantly surprised. The new "wise" stoner sage has seemed to serve me well...thus far.

Anyhoo, the reason I chose to write on this Worshipful Weekend Warrior holliday was to tell you a thing I think.

I was just playing dress-up (read entry #453) and was wearing this nice sleevless black shirt from sears that says "New York City" in silver letters thus taking all the piss outta NYC... and wearing my homeade J.Crew pedal pushers stoned listening to Pablo Honey. I find that it's much easier to listen to romantic songs when you are married by thinking of the "you" as the lost soul-mate you that you always sense exists in a deep dark place of you. I mean imagine the singer singing to his dark, deep inner soulmate (not necessarily the soulmate they're with right then) and it's you. It makes it so nice and still lets you have the angst you've grown so close to. I have a theory that we have three or four or ten "soulmates" in the world, so it seems to fit nicely. Like imagine the Beatles screaming"I WAAAAANT YOU..." (they don't have caps big enough for that emotion) and it's about someone wanting their soulmate (it doesn't even have to be you to make it all that beautiful).

Well I'm not the best lyric rememberer. anyhoo, at the party I spoke for the first time publically about my theory stated in entry four hundred ninety eight about men and women being able to love respectfully and passionately but not consumate or even think about it (that last part is hard for many to imagine and this is what I mean).

He didn't understand it very well (and I later found out that he was an advanced - but mere- 23), but his Sig Oth did, and it was interesting to see a female share my views. (I also decided I must be reincarted from just a bit more men than women.)

It was so fun. Although I'm fat, I'm in sort of in a stylistic frenzy of creation. I'm even thinking of wearing a hat tonight to Pub Trivia. I'm sure it's due to my hormones.

I'm going boring, and I don't even care. that's such a big step for me. I'm a lil' Franny all growsed up.


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Untitled Untitled

words from Kristen

Also, as seen on Solstice