
Like all of us probably, I have been into escapism after the tragedy of late. Imagine my surprise while flipping the TV channels, I settled on Wilmington's own "Dawson's Creek". This was an old hopeful that had gone gooey horrible in its maturity. But, wait! This episode was VERY promising. If they just change the hair and make-up to more realistic (less clean hair AT LEAST) and get a good dialogue writer (MAYBE I'll do it) to edit scripts, this show could be a monument to the coming of thirty experience. Of which Wilmington could be proud to host! Hmm.!

I'm sending the above to the Wilmington Starnews. Wouldn't it be rich if it were published?

I just scared a cat away by yelling out "harrrr" out my back door. Very old pirate style. I only did it because stripey (my boy) was getting so protective that he was throwing his brave lion body against the glass door (I wonder if he's seen mommy knock on the glass and learned. Ahwwww. Maybe.)

Yeah, I'm taking another night off. I'll do the shit tomorrow. On closer examination, I can plannedly procrastinate a bit one more day (as I did write a paper at work today and rough out my lesson plans).

If only a Star Trek Next Generation were on, my night would be complete.

Mark and Gulas are out Watching Apolocplyse Now Redux (Two people on npr pronounced it re-dyuh and one pronounced ree-ducks, so I'm still not sure), and I got home from class a bit early (9:10pm) so ahhhhhhh. TV. You should have seen the alaskan mummie special - so buddhist and amazing footage of a world I'd never even imagined to see - one that is bleak and not anything but grey but then it seems amazingly beautiful in flashes....

Buh bye, I'm busy a bit with school now, so I won't be writing like tomorrow or maybe until munday. (Screaming of agony out there?) Also, I compelled both my mother and sister to get therapy, so I'm so ashamed at being a nosey neighbor arrogant bitch that even the internet is toooo close. It will take time for me to grow the cahuumbas to check my e-mail. Ohhhhh, I hope they didn't think I was being an arrogant bitch. I honestly want to save them. I feel like a stark on farscape (mostly annoying and arrogant but sometimes mysteriously healing and funny) sort of. Ah well. My other motivating opinion is that the truth could set me free - family edition....

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words from Kristen

Also, as seen on Solstice