
Hmmmmmm. What better way to show the world who's the man than bomb the living shit out of a country and put a huge, profitable oil pipeline in. Oh it's all soooooo horrible, what the world is coming to. How do I, in my infinite wisdom, deal with it? I don't watch television news (at all). I don't watch network tv (except for fox and Oprah on Tuesdays). I try and look at humans and humanity through my own eyes, and to not where the glasses that are being desperately thrust at me by the blob of media/corporation/resulting society. It's probably escapism on my part. Alas, but I do feel that we will learn from our actions. Perhaps the people that killed the twin towers have already been reincarnated as children of Tony Blair's sister or children of militant separatists or children of a waitress for a fancy restaurant. It's easy for me to postulate because I've never walked in anyone shoes but my own.

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words from Kristen

Also, as seen on Solstice