a dog at our apartment complex attacked my dog on tuesday. it was so horrible. no blood was shed but there was a lot of howling, yelping, growling and saliva being tossed around. the mean dog is a little strange. i get the sense that he's old and a maybe a stray that was adopted plus his owner is a little strange too. the dog just got away from his owner and before i could even yank the mean dog by the harness as he ran past me, it lunged on my dog. poor mrs. moo moo.
so of course, once the guy drags his dog off my dog he proceeds to beat the ever living shit out of his dog which made everything ten times worse because i was on the verge of tears as it was. and while, yes, there is obviously a problem with the mean dog, i don't really enjoy seeing any animal get beat.
my dog is sitting in the middle of the parking lot holding up one paw and crying. i laugh about it now because she's such a baby but i was freakin' out. i think she twisted her little paw, poor thing. the past two days she's been limping in a "give me sympathy" way because the second you look away she's jumping on her toys and wagging her tail and raising hell. in fact, this morning i was in the kitchen fixing breakfast when she came limping around the corner, paw hung just a little bit in the air when only moments ago she was perfectly capable of leaping onto the bed and stealing the covers from me. we gave her two days to see if things got worse and then we would've taken her to the vet. but she seems to be just dandy.