Weekend? I don't even know her. Lovely. Did I say lovely? I meant, LOVELY. Any of you NYC residents know what the hell is going on with the weather? It's unbearably pleasant.
Friday Friday night we had dinner with MattyJ and "I am about to burst" Jackie at this funny Italian place near the southwestern tip of prospect park. It was a fine dinner, but probably the worst glass of wine I have ever had. Ah, what can you do.
Then came Saturday Saturday, we went shopping. We went to the Ted Baker store downtown (they were having some sort of sale) and I bought some super snazzy-a-riffic pants for a price that wasn't very 'sale' like, but nonetheless... they were really the 'snazzy'. Shiny!
Saturday evening started with a baby shower at Chris & Christina's (aka "you think Jackie is about to burst, look at me"). It was lovely.
After that, and some actually tasty sushi at that place on 5th & Bergen in Park Slope (yea, that place) and then we wandered over to Evan "Picture Monkey" and Hali's swell shindig. That was fun. Crazy ass Raquel was there (no, really, her ass is crazy!) with her fine young fellow... um, Derek? Jasper? Justin! He's a sound engineer, er, a lighting designer. I ran into Jonathan who was a fellow tape clubber and knows Stu who writes the PostModernDrunkard. Evan & Hali have two big orange boy cats.
Did I mention I saw Honky Cracker there? And Becky Cracker? There was something about them taking the 'J' train somewhere (yea, 'J' train... crazy, eh?).
Tooting Pat's Horn Man oh man... I feel so lucky? Honored? Happy? that we have this 'Hello from Iraq' feature. Oh, if anyone ever wants to send him a care package, I have an address for him. Email me.
We are going to California In august, we are going out to LA to visit various pals and see the sights and eat the sushi and drink the wine and sleep the late. Actually, we are flying into San Diego first and spending two or three days there and check out that area, and then drive up to LA.
Sunday we spent a lot of time looking up places to stay in San Diego. My first choice is to do the B&B thing, because under my youthful exterior lives a retired person who likes B&Bs (I really like breakfast). We didn't have any luck, and although I am sure there are great B&Bs all over San Diego on every corner, we didn't really find any with that important feature / price / location / non-scary website ratio that is so important.
Two items:
- Oddest quote found during reading a hotel's review: Walking distance to Little Italy, courthouse, and bail bond offices
Mrs. Robot's travels I just went through her emails from her trip to Norway and Ireland and copied out a few items to share...
Not much else to report. Tomorrow I have to interview 2 people. Isn't that crazy. I think I will ask them if they like hot dogs. This country loves their hot dogs. They even wrap the weiner in bacon.
I saw a hipster guy wearing a trucker hat- it had written in large type across the foam top TRUCK. Ahhh classic
I encountered a group of spring lambs today. They were beyond adorable. I just wanted to pick on up and take it home. That is until I realized they were very excited to see me -- so much so they were ALL peeing at the same time. ahh farm life.