the guitar
thanks mark at big music or whatever the store was. for tuning the guitar I never once saw my spouse play but that he was able to tune and YouTube and the app - still couldn't figure it out....I adore singing and playing guitar just makes it beautiful to me (I try to play quietly the guitar and sing louder so my mistakes aren't as obvi.)
(in all honesty, I served the spouse contempt and gave him signals from day one - his ukulele play "why don't you wait until your children are around - they never get to hear you.")
and the times that his second wife sang in the tear-ridden depths of her secret soul. video games
my "car" had sat empty in the yard for seven months of fallow while I wiled away my only thought towards dying in my own arms
and mark at the music store tuned it for free - telling me that the first three strings should sound like "here comes the bride".
my communication is saw awkward live, and I'm sure I babbled hosannas. today I wrote and played a song and have those lovely callouses zinging as I type even.
throwing you away again. doubt that will be my biggest sin today throwing you unto the end prise the prize from in your tends to surprise you're it the hit that lasted even now
throwing you away somehow throwing me away and how the price I paid is still in my way today
Asking for your anything can't even find your diamond ring today Throwing you away Andrew knowing it was never true anyway
there's the biggest part of me sitting with you in that tree little boy Laugh it up as I try to mend the broken backbone I allowed throwing me away again this will surely be the end Andrew
wondering how I'll ever spare the thought of giving you a caring been
trash day
and.... that was my Sunday song. I tend to do my self-imposed homework both sporadically and last minute.
now to my malaise about Hemingway - what nostalgia I feel every time I read him or about him...even though I hate trophy sporting...