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› Sunday 2/7/2010
Pony:  37
› Monday 2/8/2010
Lisa Says:  Being chased or "Move it, lady"
Poop Beetle:  Kansas City '75
› Tuesday 2/9/2010
River Rat:  I was there.
Dog Years:  Ten First Sentences Heard Upon Emerging from My Time Machine
Post-Modern Drunkard:  Curry Time Travel
The way I see it:  my top 3 time travel fantasies
Tropical Depression:  Prepare for the worst
Pony:  Time Travel - How I Wonder Which You Are
› Wednesday 2/10/2010
Dog Years:  That Thing(s) I Was Scared of as a Kid.
Sunshine Jen:  The Consumer
Post-Modern Drunkard:  Dante's Inferno
Lisa Says:  The Dark and Scarecrows
River Rat:  Things that scare(d) me.
› Thursday 2/11/2010
Dog Years:  Smell Equals Memories
Pony:  Things I feared as a child
River Rat:  Galvanic Action
Film and Television Rights:  The Smell of Honeysuckle
Nutshell Kingdom:  The Twentieth Century
› Friday 2/12/2010
Tropical Depression:  Smells like a new world
Dog Years:  My Father
Robot Journal:  Feeling Nauseous? Dad is your go-to.
The Dolor:  Tenth-Year Elegy
State Lines:  Walt.
River Rat:  My father.
Pony:  On Fathers
Film and Television Rights:  Father
Tropical Depression:  My Father

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