Car Bomb
This picture doesn't even begin to show you the carnage and destruction that was at this scene. You can see the wreckage of five cars in this picture.

Multiply that wreckage by three - not to include the car that actually exploded. Spread this wreckage out over the area of four football fields.

Add to that wreckage bodies, body parts, and just simply pieces of bodies.

Throw in the mayhem of a hundred people searching for their loved ones among the wreckage, of wounded men and women trying to find help, of Iraqi soldiers trying to find the people responsible for this attack. Add smoke, add fire, add the smell of burning flesh. Picture a crater big enough to park a car in.

This was a day I wish I could have skipped. This was a day I wish had never happened. But it did happen, and my squad was there. We were the first, and only, US military to arrive on the scene. Our medic treated the wounded as best he could. The rest of us tried to provide security, and help the best we could. There wasn't much we could do. The Iraqi National Guard soldiers, who we would later help train, were grateful to have us there, as were the local townspeople.

This was Iraqi on Iraqi violence. A suicide bomber killing only Iraqi civilians. One was a doctor, one was a teacher. Sons, daughters, mothers and fathers. No military targets at all. No coalition forces at all.

Sunday, February 6, 2005
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