elanamatic: peeves.
Negativickys - my new name for people who always whine, bitch and moan. We all have our share of shit to deal with. Ranting once in awhile - no problem, but if every time you open your mouth it is to pour forth a vomitous amount of complaints, do us all a favour and suck it up.
When I put too much hair product in my mane in a vain attempt to gain control, and I end up with SomethingAboutMary-esque sticky white flakiness. Ew.
Rude people. I sit at the first desk you see when you walk into our office space. Some of the people who walk through the door deserve to be slapped. These individuals make me loathe being the unreceptionist.
Roti lunch induced comas. Every. Time.
My uncontrollable urge to nag. I don't mean to baby, I swear it.
Burnouts. If you hate your job, quit. I wish someone had sent me this link at one point last year, although sticking around for a package worked out in the end. SMC, despite all the brain-numbing crappiness, I must thank you profusely for my kickass new townhouse!
Massive flash banner ads that eat up half the content space and put the close X in a tricky discreet spot.
When my chronic neck pain flares up. Pass the Advil please.
Stoopid Norton Anti-Virus pop-ups that won't go away.
Freezing cold windy days that tease you by appearing sunny and glorious through the window.
The Simpson sisters. Such mediocrity wrapped in vain stupidity does not deserve even one iota of commercial success. I will confess to having watched their reality programming, but it was "totally" for research purposes.
How PMS makes me crave chocolate and baked goods like a mofo!