
I'm so sorry to be so kidsy lately. My lover is going under the knife on Thursday to get a vasectomy. Not that I have any huge doubts about my inability to raise children, but it has been at the back of my mind lately. It's bizarre to me how programmed we are to procreate. Not only is it a biological desire but a societal as well. Friends seem to look at Mark and I as a bit freakish and hostile. He's been met with many "DON'T DO IT. YOU'LL GREATLY GREATLY REGRET IT" response. It's such a bizarre conviction, that I find myself wondering if it is indeed a mistake. I do think it would be great to have a cool kid to inspire me along and add another layer to the bond between my lover and I; but that's all. When I think of the day to day, I know I'd be a very bitter, possible mean, Mommy.

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words from Kristen

Also, as seen on Solstice