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›that week

'le vie c'est tres droll'

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It's been a while, I know, but what can I say...

no excuses jeans
I am attention deficient (sp)
and le vie, c'est tres tres droll

Yeah right.

I just got back from my cousin's wild birthday bash, although were it '92 I would call it a rave. She just turned 33 which is her Jesus year. Being Heebish, I'm not quite clear on what one's Jesus year is, but the people who Jesus is just alright with tell me that that was a big year for the man.

And let me tell you, it's already been a big year for my Couz.

She had a few thousand xtra miles so she flew me to San Fran for the occasion. We took it easy for a few hours wandering around the Upper Haight, and then realized how late it was and freaked out. We frantically packed all our costumes (to be explained) and crap and ran to Costco where we bought food for 25 for the weekend. Ah, Costco. The whole bulk life freaks me out still, but I am a sucker for samples.

The goal was to make it up to my cousin's friends Vineyard in Sonoma before dark. I was all ready to drink my face off, when I discovered it will be several years before Peays actually puts out any wine. So I drank my face off with wine from somebody else's vineyard. I'm not picky.

But I am a lightweight.

A few hours after the impromptu gourmet pork dinner (these Peays guys love their pork) I passed out on my cousin's bed. Apparently I got up in the middle of the night to get my stuff out of the car. Now, Andy forgot to turn the sprinklers off which run overnight on the front lawn, so when I awoke even later in the night on a pile of records I realized my pants were soaking wet. Yes, on a pile of records. Yes my pants were soaking wet. My other cousin claims I stepped on him as he slept on the floor, but I have no recollection of this, and he didn't have the marks to prove it.

And that, my friends was only the first night.

The next day the guys made new stairs getting all into the sawing and the hammering thing, the dj's were spinning straight through the next 48 hours, and the sun was shining. The vineyard was so beautiful. I can't begin to describe it. Drugs couldn't make it look more stunning. And the drugs didn't make it look more stunning....

After a fierce game of bocce ball in which a lot of bloody marys were drunk and a lot of balls were thrown, we retired to prepare for the evenings festivities. The costumes were pulled out as this was a formal sort of strange affair. My cousin wore the red tutu I brought for her, I my tails and pink bunny hat. There were lots of old ratty fur coats, big colored glasses and suffice it to say the freaks abounded.

We all sat around a huge table outside decorated with huge orange and red and yellow sunflowers. As my Couz's nickname is Lamb Chop, that is what was served. And spice cake. And E.

Hours of dancing /hula hooping /admiring trees/ staring at spinning things and smiling 1000 watt smiles later, the sun came up and I slunk off to the caretaker's trailer to pass out. (The caretaker had retired so don't get any ideas).

The next day was blinding sunshine with oysters for lunch and then a windy trip down the mountain to catch the Sunday night red eye.

And now the glamorous denouement: Monday morning I had to report for jury duty.

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