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the antlord grandma smartypants

medium pimping: La vie c'est tres robot

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'le vie c'est tres droll'

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Official notice:

It's a robot!
17 in.
arrived 7/11/02

Unfortunately, Ben requested that the robot be named after him. So this beautiful baby Turbo iMac which sings and says my name whenever I turn it on - a huge shock to a long time PC girl - is named Benji.

What does it all mean?

More blogging, more graphics programs to divide and conquer, lots more visitors looking to burn dvds on benji, and an ass flat as a pancake from sitting on it all night typing away. Or is that flat as a pannecoceta?

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go download some porn!

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the antlord grandma smartypants

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