poop beetle: Convenience Store story #1
I walked into a convenience store the other evening. I was wearing my new fake converse tennis shoes. $5 at the dollar store, a temporary tennis shoe since my other pair have been stained green with mowing and are now my lawn mowing shoes.
I guy in line behind me pointed at my feet and said , "I bet those shoes are (mumble) comfortable".
"Did you say comfortable?" I asked . . . "yeah, they're alright"
"Naw, man! I said UN-comfortable. I had to wear them things in prison. They are UN-comfortable".
The guy in front of me starts laughing and says, "I remember them boys".
"Un-comfortable!" the first guy repeats. "I'd rather wear my flip-flops than wear them things . . . . on that concrete?".
I pay for my gas and the guy in front of me hangs off to the side with the first. They're still looking at my shoes and shaking their heads. I become aware of how thin the soles of these shoes are. The convience store floor is really hard.
They laugh a little bit more- not at me or my shoe preferance, but more like, "isn't it crazy the little things you remember?" Or like "isn't it crazy the little things that suck in addition to the big stuff?"
I'm still learning my way around Winston-Salem.