** this just in **
NYCBloggers are in the New York Times - check it out here
Did you know they spawned a parody site?
'New York City Bloggers quickly spawned a parody site (a giant, nearly blank map of Maine)'

I got a crush: sendacrush.com = spam?
Matt wrote me about what he believes is a new email harvesting program, sendacrush.com. You get this email from them that says:
"Someone you know has anonymously sent you this email to let you know they have a crush on you.
If you can guess their email, we'll tell you if you're right!"

Matt played with the site, and what happens is that you sit there and enter the names and email addresses of people you suspect have a crush on you. It tells you that you still haven't guessed who it is and will eventually give you these lame 'hints' like 'I like long walks on the beach'. Seriously.
The whole time you are doing this, it's storing the names and email addresses in their database. Nice system, eh?

I just got one, but it came in on my spam account that actual humans don't use, so I think I can back him up on this one.

Damn DSL
My DSL line is down, which sucks super big time because I am at home this week, and trying to work. In the meantime, I am zooming around on a 28K modem I borrowed from Matt (I can't believe he didn't need it).
My ISP, Mindspring/Earthlink are supposed to call me. Me!
I am not holding my breath on this.

New Yorker
Our dear pal Joanna is having an article of hers published in the New Yorker. Isn't that cool? I hope they put a nice cartoon near her article, involving either a talking dog or something to do with a monkey.

Everyone in other towns is talking about their backyards and grilling out. I love our neighborhood, and I don't want to leave NYC, but I want a f*cking backyard and I want to drink beer and grill hot dogs.
Give me a yard.

New Bike
I got a new bike, y'know. But it's way too hot to ride it today. What to do.
Once, right after college, I didn't have a car for about three months and had to ride my bike to work. It wasn't a long ride, but it was 'down south' and it 90 degrees. I showed up to work quite hot and sweaty.
Then I got a car.
Some places are just too hot to even think about riding a bike AND looking presentable.

Idiots with Phones
We met Evan+Joanna the other night at this fairly nice restaurant. The people next to them were a couple and the woman had her phone on the table.
It rang. The ringer was really loud.
It rang again. And again. And again. And again.
She just sat there and stared at it. I said to our table, "you know, there is usually a button that you can push to turn that off".
It kept ringing, and then stopped.
She picked it up, and walked outside, I guess to listen to the voicemail or whatever.
I mean, they looked like nice enough/smart people. But they weren't. I realized that when they sat there and stared at the phone.
Like confused chimps.

The phone on the table is a bad sign.

MattyJ Party
We are going to have a 'going away' party for MattyJ this weekend.

OK, this is disturbing
This may be what my cat dreams about at night.

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who am i? why am i here? has it always been this hot? the story about lisa. and jeebus.

robot journal
Robot Journal

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What would be in a happyrobot cocktail?
What the world needs now is a think piece about the pandemic
Music of Teens: K Tel's The Beat
The New Apartment: Brooklyn Bedding #BestMattressEver
The New Apartment: Things Bought IKEA PS 2014 Secretary Desk

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