Love it
This morning on the train I had the pleasure of reading the latest HonkyCracker and the latest Pony, both of which were so great in their own ways. Not to ignore anyone else, those are just the two I had time to read.

Saturday food day
Viva food. Saturday was kind of gray and cloudy here in the big stink, so I got a bug in my bonnet about cooking up some waffles. We rang Matt and then rang Tamara, and they both agreed that it was a good idea and they would like to help us eat them.
So we made waffles. Our iron had a bit of a non-stick issue, so the first few rounds were not pretty and caused Mrs. Robot, who was on waffle iron duty, to curse and grow flustered. But we finally got everything working and had a fine big breakfast of eggs, turkey bacon, waffles, and mimosas (I wanted to write samosa - "mmmm breakfast samosa") and then we hung out until like 4pm. Just lounging.
Tamara introduced me to saying "boobers". Say it. It's fun to say.
Nice boobers, I gotta go.

Joanna and Evan had us over for dinner 4 hours later and stuffed us with Joanna's amazing homemade everything. Crazy roasted chicken, crazy brussels sprouts, crazy risotto, and crazy lime... was it pudding? I forget. But we had that for dessert and it was equally crazy.
And by crazy, I mean, "crazy good"

We left them that night in an equally food caused stupor.

Band name of the day: "Mullet Revolta"

A guy with a kilt on just walked past my door. The full outfit. Old fellow.

Subway ad
The image you see above is from a law firm's advertisement on the subway. There is a whole series of them, and I plan on photographing them all.
Now, if you are a regular rider of the NYC subway, you will know that many of the advertisements, especially "local" ones, tend to have really strange senses of design, layout, logic, etc.
I always imagine that there is a subway ad agency that designs all these ads, and it's staffed by some sort of fairly intelligent monkey or dog. Or both. And maybe a cat.
And maybe some kindergarten kids. But, that's it. The dog is the accounts manager. The monkey is the art director. Other monkeys are the artists. The cat writes copy. The kindergartners work on the concepts.
Their office is named Monkey, Monkey, Dog, Cat, & Children Advertising Agency.

OK, back on course.
This law firm's ads all use these very simple characters in dangerous, lawsuit causing situations.
Malpractice (the funniest)
Dangerous Intersection (the best)
Lead Paint (the strangest)

In each situation, our victim here is in some sort peril, like flying through the windshield of a car, but he's always looking at us, smiling, and giving us a retarded looking thumbs up.
I mean, really, look at his thumbs. I could draw better thumbs than that.
"EEK! EEK! EEEEK!", says the monkey that drew them.

If any of you come across these ads on your commutes, and you have a camera, snap them and send them to me so we can enjoy.

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The time Chris and Stu drove to Milwaukee
What would be in a happyrobot cocktail?
What the world needs now is a think piece about the pandemic
Music of Teens: K Tel's The Beat
The New Apartment: Brooklyn Bedding #BestMattressEver
The New Apartment: Things Bought IKEA PS 2014 Secretary Desk

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