1. I used to believe Anita Hill was lying.
1. (a) I used to believe that sexism was limited and largely imagined in this day and age.
2. I used to believe I would get married in my hometown church, St. Joes, and we would all sing The King of Glory Comes, A Nation Rejoices.
3. Subsequently, I used to believe I would never marry.
4. I used to believe I looked badass smoking.
5. I used to believe discussing another person's past tragedies or sorrows was interesting.
6. I used to believe I was smarter than most and uglier than most.
7. I used to believe in loneliness.
8. I used to believe I controlled what would happen next, or at least--I believed very much in planning.
9. I used to believe tomorrow would make up for today.
10. I used to believe Steak-ums were real meat.
11. I used to believe there were things as-or more-important than good and kind.