she is my new obsession/child/cat.
I took her to the vet today after so much deliberation because I just didn't know what to do to make it ok ... and more cogently, my mother said she'd foot the bill.
so the house is empty. I've wept twice.
my cat is a tortie who has been through a lot with the new house the break up the me being a mess....and my heart breaks.
I had all this list of things I was going to do while I was waiting for her and how stress free the house will be.
instead, I think of her scared in her tiny carrier terrified stress oozing poking prodding scary
and I'm not there.
and of course she seemed kind of with it today more or less than usual but she used to play ALL THE TIME and sit on my lap. she doesn't any more.
I have such an imagination just took a pacing break to alleviate the pain. you always hurt the ones you love the most
I pray to any go there is that she'll be treated well swiftly and back in my arms asap.
I love you Edith and I will never ever complain about playing with you again.
and the weird thing was I weirded out after getting the Lyft driver and all the worry then telling him to drop me off across the street so no dangerous turn
and it was the wrong vet.
the driver did not speak English so he just dropped me off and said 'so far' but I thought he meant the crossing the street.
I arrive with my brave screaming cat and they say I'm at the wrong place. I'd been here before with Padz death and Edith's deworming. I had not known that Andrew and Edith were at another place.
so I did the dumbest thing
instead of hopping in another cab and hailing one I asked if they could take her
so she's there
and I'm learning what fear and love are.
thank you mommy.
prayers for Edith.