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» The Gilmore Girls Chatroom!!!!!!!
» John Ball, Jr.
» Pearl Smith Rakoff
» 25 Things About You
» John Ball and John Jr.
» Belancey
» I spy
» Written Directions
» In the Olden Times
» The Ball Family
» Unnecessary Knowledge about John Ball's iPod
» Cuteness Explosion

» A Brief Apology to my Mom's Ghost
» Dear Everyone on Valentine's Day
» I Sometimes Wear Clothes
» Tell Me Why This Makes Me Happy
» Top Sexy Aspects of Sexy John Ball finds Sexy
» The Seal Park, July 2006
» Dear Emily Gould
» Lloyd Dobler Army
» I am not John Ball
» Day 7 Report
» Dear Harrison Ford

» Notes on Living Happily in the City
» Cleaning out the Closet (LES or Midtown)
» New Career
» Begging the Question
» Letter of Resignation
» A Few Cool Things about North Carolina
» Six Months & Change
» New Shoes
» Little Known Panda Facts
» Nemesis
» I'm going to a party tonight

» Things I like to Imagine the Women Who Work at My Neighborhood Coffee Shop are Saying about Me.
» Hello! How are You? It's been a Long Time!
» Evidently it was my turn to be on Law & Order
» The advanced reader's copies arrived this afternoon
» Before and After
» Courage
» (and also) Gary McCracken
» To the NYC Film Commission
» Google
» Holiday Letter
» Napoleon Barbecue

» 21
» Cereal is a Fun Time
» Quail on Broome Street, Lower East Side, NY
» A Note to Future Biographers
» Snapshot
» Waxing Bagpiperly
» It's all true
» Aerobics Instructor
» Happy Birthday to Me!
» Bizarre Things I've Shouted at People
» The Dealbreaker

» I hate anonymous online comments.
» And from the other flank, comes ...
» Nasty Wrapwich Day
» Dogs of the World
» I've Been Buried
» Notes on Success at Ikea in Elizabeth, NJ
» Twenty Albums
» Date Nut Roll
» 4 Quotes Attributed to Diderot Found on Television
» March 2006
» Home of my Heart

» Real Simple
» On turning 41
» Here is a picture of a car

Category List
April - National Poetry Month 2005
April - National Poetry Month 2007
April - National Poetry Month 2008
April - National Poetry Month 2009
February Smackdown!
Here, I'm trying to be Funny
My personal favorites
Novel Excerpts
Random Memoir Fragment