elanamatic: Latte of Love
I totally dig my decaf soy lattes. I was dreaming about having one since I woke up this morning. I went for a long walk with Jocelyn and every time we passed a coffee shop the craving grew stronger. I got home, showered and hopped on my bike, parking by the Second Cup at my physio's office. Went up for my appointment, looked at the Second Cup with regret (I was running late, and I have yet to master drinking a hot beverage while cycling) jumped back on my bike and hightailed it to work.
Got here, checked email. Made some rib stickin' oatmeal, topped it with blueberries and sat at my desk thirsting for my latte. Realizing I have some time before my next meeting, I coerced Joey into going out for a coffee. The sun was shining, the air light and The Roastery in full hum.
Now that I have fueled up, I am in full on Friday mode! Oh yes, for me it's Friday! I am off to the UK tonight for a quick visit with all our ex-pat friends and their British mates. Really looking forward to taking a few days off work and spending time with good people. Three of us are off for a girls weekend in York while the dude wanders the city bachelor style.
My mission: to snap papparazzi photos of Jude Law and Sienna Miller for your viewing pleasure.