an open letter of apology to the hosts and guests of the party i attended on friday night


Klutch.xls: "Catdogg Furpants"

to the tune of "Spongebob Squarepants"

Who lives in East Cambridge with Chris Q and me?

Cat-dogg Fur-Pants!


Well, it's time you learned of the little friend that lives with my female-friend and I. His name is Casper and I think he is a tonkenese. His friends call at night and don't leave messages. He says it's because his name is not on the answering machine. I tell him his name is not going on there until his friends stop leaving hangups on the machine. You can see the problem here. We are both very spiteful. At least I don't take my own feces out of the bowl and fling it at him while he brushes his teeth. I wish I could say the same for him.

His favorite favorite songs are:

1. Mondo '77 by Looper
2. Casper the friendly Ghost by Daniel Johnston
3. Desperado by the Eagles (which he likes us to sing as "Casperado" and then he gives us a treat.)

Casper was rescued from the streets and the story is reprinted below. This story has been authored by my friend and co-worker Char-Char Binx; you may have seen her on the Robot Chat. Enjoy. We are currently working on a comic book version of this story. This is a true story.

"The Little White Kitty" by Char Char Binx

One day a little girl went to visit Boston with her Mommy. She brought the little white kitten her Daddy gave her the night before he died. Her Mommy bought her some balloons and a stick of cotton candy.

All of a sudden there was a gust of wind and the little girl let go of her kitty.

"No kitty, don't run away I love you" the girl cried as the little white kitty ran away. The little girl cried and cried.

The little white kitty ran into an alley where a bunch of punk kids were walking thru. "Hey look! A little white cat" the kid with the jump rope said. "Let's keep it" they all chimed in. So they tied up the little white kitty with the jump rope and attached it to a rubber band around the kitty's neck.

The kids decided to go visit the Aquarium. They tied the jump rope that was attached to little white kitty with the rubber band around its neck, to a pole outside the front door and went inside.

People kept walking by the little white kitty with the rubber band around its neck until a women stopped. "Oh no, poor little white kitty" the women said. She took the rubber band off the kitty's neck and brought the kitty inside to her work.

Everyone at work loved the little white kitty. "I'll name him Casper", a guy named Chris said. "I'll take him home, the punk kids don't deserve the little white kitty". So he put him in a box and brought the little kitty home.

Soon the little white kitty grew and grew and became a very big white cat and Chris got sick of him. So he put the cat in a box and shoved it up on the top shelf of his closet. So there it sat, the little kitty that was a gift to the little girl from her daddy that died and made her cry and cry and cry for many unhappy years after.

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oh my god!!! an open letter of apology to the hosts and guests of the party i attended on friday night

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