honestly . . .


Klutch.xls: Something different today . . .

When I woke up to my alarm this morning. When I rolled over and turned it off for the third time. When I heard it go off a good 30 minutes after the original setting, well, I've already told you, I rolled over. Much to my surprise, my roomate was still there in bed next to me. Normally by this time, she has showered, dressed, breakfasted, and left for work. But not today. Today was different.

On my walk to the T, things were not the same as they were on Friday, or Thursday or Wednesday. Halfway to the T, I did not fall behind the 20-something slightly overweight couple. The couple that I like to imagine goes to medival festivals on the weekends. The couple that I do not like to imagine having sex. The couple that I fall behind and walk at exactly their pace for an infuriating amount of time until we come to a cross walk or a widening in the sidewalk, and then pass quickly. There was no couple to fall behind today. There was no guide to instruct me in how fast I should walk.

I deplaned, I departed the T at Government Center as usual. I approached the escalator. I did not have a choice as to which escalator I would like to take. Today, one escalator ascended to the world, while one slowly trickled downward to my feet. The people who run the Government Center T stop had decided that today, there would be an equal amount of traffic coming and going. As one person arrived, another would depart. A constant, equal flow. Not like other mornings. The T people knew today would be different.

Maybe Rachel knew today would be different as well. Maybe that's why I bumped into Rachel on my way to work. I did not bump into Rachel last Monday or the Monday before that or the previous Tuesday. I have never bumped into Rachel on the way to work. She asked me how much a new starter for her car would cost (she has never asked me this before.) I told her I did't know. I told her $300. I told her I didn't know again.

As I approached the building that I work in I was greeted with a sign in the door. The sign politely asked me to enter the building using the side entrance today. The building had never made such a request of me before. The building was not pushy, the building does not demand much of me. I was happy to grant the building this request.

Monday mornings are hard to handle. Keep on your toes, kids. There's something in the air today.

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so, i was thinking . . . honestly . . .

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