

Klutch.xls: There's a movie in my head

It's a movie with a Nick Drake soundtrack.

It takes place in the fall.

In New England. Or at least the northeast. Maybe an old mill or steel town. A town where maybe some people look forward to attending a high school football game sometime on Friday night or over the weekend.

It smells like vanilla. And smoke (the good kind.)

There are no pastels.

There is a car, old timey, without bucket seats.

There are no moms or dads and no children.

Someone stays up too late. Maybe even all night.

There are no bad guys. I don't believe in bad guys. It's all relative. Maybe I'm a bad guy. Maybe I'm not.

It is not a happy ending.

Sometimes people cry. Always they are wearing sweaters. Preferably made of wool.

If anything the ending could be considered bittersweet. Or maybe hopefull.

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