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todd solondz went to iran and all i got was a box of barf star search opera sty-l

medium pimping: girlz gone wild

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'le vie c'est tres droll'

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last friday nite marked an irregularly occurring girlz gone wild night. this was the event formerly known as "girls gone brunching", but circumstances required something a little more hardcore.

and hardcore it turned out to be.

in between hogs and heifers and apt we were staggering along Washington Street when my girlfriend hauled off and hit me. I was stunned, considering I couldn't remember doing anything out-of-characterishly obnoxious. recently anyway. but maybe catfight was part of this whole girlz gone wild aesthetic. so I wound up ready to sock her back when I saw him.

*cue seedy music*

standing by the side of his range rover in the freezing cold. white hair blowing straight up in the breeze coming off the Hudson. his pasty skin glowing unearthly white in the nacreous glare of the meatpacking district. butt naked.

what the-

i almost wanted to have him autograph the bruise I got from my friend's effectual attempt to get my attention. but I refrained.

the night just declined into sordidness from there, as you can well imagine.

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todd solondz went to iran and all i got was a box of barf star search opera sty-l

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