Pony: Let's go to the EX (oh baby)
Tonight I am going to the EX.
I will ride the ferris wheel and the spinny swings and watch fireworks. I think i missed the guy being shot out of the cannon.
Yesterday i went to the Dufferin Grove organic market with kiff and josh. We bought: Heirloom tomatoes, green beans, berries, and golden and candy cane beets. Then we watched these really little kids (6-8 years old) play soccer. Those kids played really well, tho the blue team really needed to step up on the offense. One kid tripped on another player and fell. He started crying and his dad carried him off the field.
Dropped our stuff off at home and biked down to Harbourfront to see "ballet by the water" - a sampling of the next season's ballet shows. It's been a while since I've seen any ballet. I was a graceless child, so I never had ballerina dreams with point shoes and ribbons hanging from a nail. But wow. Ballet. The grace, strength and restraint of it all blew my mind.
On our way back we biked around the spirals of the toronto music garden. It has been much-maligned as a waste of money or a boondoggle. But i loved it with its paths twisting inwards, humming crickets, and tall grasses that brush your legs. It is a living sculpture.