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i got 5 on it open letter to all athletes attempting the boston marathon this coming monday

Runtime Error: Time to get over myself

Here's what the Finish Line looks like on Marathon Tuesday, much like my hopes and dreams and my emotional state:


It's 2 (two) days after the Boston Marathon and I realize that I probably should "get over" myself and stop thinking and talking about it.

I'm so sorry to bore you.

But I did want to compile some notes here right away and answer some FAQ's.  I am also outlining a lot of thoughts from the day (from the moments I could remember and my brain wasn't melting and dripping down my face) and hope to have a true race report up in the next day or two.

Q. Did you win?

A. I'm sorry, I did not.  The Kenyan won.  Wesley Korir, in fact.  Also, Kenyan's came in 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th and 10th.  I think they may have teamed up and the cards were stacked against me.

Q. Did you come in 11th place?

A. Actually, I came in just over 15-thousandth place.  But still better than about 6,000 runners.  In fact, I beat former New England Patriot Teddy Bruschi.  Though, he is a stroke survivor, so I guess I had a leg up on him. 

Q. How did you do?

A. I haven't quite decided yet.

Q. What does that mean?

A. I finished in 4 hours and 37 minutes.  EXACTLY one hour slower than my original goal.

Q. But that sounds like a good time!  What happened?

A.  The heat was unbearable.  For 2 days prior to the race the BAA was recommending that people defer to next year, especially if this was their first marathon.   It was like running in a heavy, wet, winter coat.


A. Some reports say it hit 90 degrees on the course.  A Boston record! Experienced marathoners have been saying, on-line, that this was the most brutal race they ever participated in.  Last year's winner and marathon record holder Geoffrey Mutai had to drop out at mile 18 and DNF.

Q. What was the best part?

A. After some reflection, a lot of best parts.  Mostly, seeing Q and Romine on the course, two times, cheering me on.  Without knowing that they could be right around the corner, I might have bailed. And seeing Ginny, and Whitney on the course too. Traveling to Hopkinton and starting the race with Kelly.  Seeing Jana and Hadas at the finish. Stopping to say hi to the AccesSport peeps at the foot of heartbreak hill. And maybe best of all, the little girl who gave me a green flavor-ice, somewhere around mile 22.

Q. How do you feel?

A. Actually, right now, pretty great! Not too good at mile 24 and not at all on Monday night, but I just entered the lottery for the NYC Marathon in November, so things should be alright.

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i got 5 on it open letter to all athletes attempting the boston marathon this coming monday

Previous Posts
Open Letter to All Athletes Attempting the Boston Marathon This Coming Monday
Time to get over myself
I got 5 on it
Get outta my way
Old Man
About time for a taper

Thanks to Erik P. Kraft for the lovely "jogger being chased by robot" illustration!
You can find Erik at erikpkraft.tumblr.com!

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