
So I opted to go out and pick up hot dog buns in order to enjoy my tofu dogs. I put my shoes back on and ambled outside, walking the extra 4 blocks to C Town because Key Foods simply smells that bad. I wandered down the aisles confused, as I often am in a grocery store. It's like I know what I want to eat but am daunted by the many steps it will take to get me there; which is funny since I used to earn a living by cooking. I grabbed the hot dog buns, so I had tofu dogs and salad for my dinner, what was missing? Of course.....beer. Even though I had drunk my week's allowance of the sweet sweet elixir on Friday I needed a tasty beer to go with my very healthy conscious dinner. I grabbed a six pack of Sam's Summer Ale, simply because I'm getting a little burnt on all the Brooklyn ales and needed a taste from home. I walked up to the express lane and put my purchases down. Then an amazing thing happened. The cashier looked at me and asked for ID. I was carded! I never get carded anymore, as I have now been legal for longer than I was in short pants and I was wearing those for longer than others were comfortable with. I mean, I know I'm pretty and all that but I had no idea I was such a PYT. The cashier looked at it for half a second and gave a verbal shrug. She wasn't too interested in me or how she had just paid me an offhanded compliment; she could barely make eye contact and snap her gum at the same time. As I headed back to my apartment to begin cooking what would prove to be a less than moveable feast I thought to myself maybe I'm not really that old after all. Then I thought about how lame it would have been if I had had this hairline at twenty.

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I'm kind of all set with people making phone calls while on the toilet
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