tim!: one period near the end 2004 you live your life and you live your life and you think time to eat better and time to exercise and cut my hair and take down the tree and take a moment and do this and drive in the sunshine and listen to a song and capture the essence of your life not their life and see so many movies that you forget what movie is who and why does it matter and gas in the car and take out the trash and wash things and then wash them again and leaves are back on the trees soon and that is nice just to be nice all by itself don't need no help on that issue or practical observance and father in dream sitting on floor in hospital and am I the only one of course not and travel and travel and save yourself and trim and clip and fight the growth yes that's it isn't it fight the growth keep it at bay but not too hard now not too fast take the time to do it right child and eat and eat and eat and it all just passes through and He takes some of what he needs just the protein now and the sugars and fat and the only one left is DNA and sure RNA but at a glance just cousins hell almost identical twins until you really start to look at it and the body is a tube a feeding tube with a head on it and does the head behave like a tube too like the body did just then you see that takes what it needs and lets the rest pass on by no no no don't seem to be that way at all more like a trap or a web a sticky web where everyone is caught and forever is actually forever at least it is in my book of heads and where is that supposed to go body the body go back to the dirt how about that idea and that memory is that transferred to another medium has to be has to be not sure what form it is in but it make sense yes ma'am the leg bone eaten by the worm bone eaten by the cricket bone eaten by the fish who ate something that I ate all fried in batter and a smoke and sure a glass of beer and so why isn't an idea is eaten over and over again who's to say that ideas of one Thomas Edison or one Rosalind Franklin on her x ray machine holding up giants were not whispered to at night and it was a dream and the things we have done and the things I can just see the next ones burning to do and I can't wait to see but wait I still have so many things to do I want to whisper one day to you a long time to go for that tell you an idea see where it go but back to the head to the mind got away for a minute can't be lost if for no other reason than to be equal balance between matter and energy constant can't create neither just roll back and forth but not us doing that someone else at the switch and and and I'm not saying the god even though I just did but it something there alright and I really can't wait to find out I can oh yes I can and I will but it will be very interesting I am thinking some look of some shape I never saw some color not even a color it's so different and yet so similar to everything so inherent to all of this that you think how did we miss that don't forget to fall in love oh yes fall in love back to earth back to the earth and to the ocean and to look at things more on the level and not up or down good luck with that and the eyes are the thing aren't they the eyes the eyes will give it away and they have the pop and they have the thing that is there or at least let you see that place from time to time see what it's like see how it fits to now and don't forget to clean the garage and clean the lawn and clean the heart and clean the mind and clean and clean and clean and clean. and spill your blood on the earth and let it eat let the earth eat for once why don't you