tim!: Cow Kills Snake
Dear Mr. Snake,
I am writing today to apologize to you for the cow who hit you over and over with her shoe, killing you as you were climbing a tree. I can understand their need to remove you from the store and from under the ATM machine. What I cannot understand is this cow's need to go back out of the store after you with her cow's shoe, and use it as a weapon for which to kill a harmless and surely non-poisonous garden snake.
If I were to read tomorrow, 'Snake killing cow falls from amusement park ride, loses worthless life in freak accident.', or, 'Poisonous snake travels across country to avenge senseless killing of distant and harmless cousin. Worthless cow suffers from venom-induced heart failure. Last words: I shoudda never kilt that dern snake.', I would be quietly satisfied that justice had been done.
I am not a believer in What Comes Around Goes Around, although I Want To Be. I think one can get away with what they think they can live with. But I'll tell you something snake, I can see how the taking of a human life may be justified in some circumstances, but I will never forgive the killing of animals for reasons of sport or fear. It is people like this who give the human race a bad name.