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» my other new E.P.
» Sad Sad Song
» more nude . . . oopse, i mean NEW karaoke pics
» Sorry for the tears
» Where have you been?
» piXiEs sPAm
» Pope on a rope
» Yummy Mummy!
» Yeah, My Body is a Wonderland Too, Big F'ing Deal
» spring through the eyes of pixies
» If there is a smoking ban in Boston, why are all these chicks so "smokin'"?
» Pork Chop Sandwiches!?!?!?

» listen to this . . .
» criminally insane??!?!/1?!!?
» Rules of Engagement
» What the War Didn't Do
» I Love Message Boards
» "I Can't Even Save Myself!"
» 5 (five) crickets in a jar
» OMG LOL WTF!!!!!
» Ages 12 and up
» I am the Arlington Massachusetts Police Blotter
» "Don't cry, dry your eye . . ."

» OH MY GOD!!!
» Hey Jealousy . . .
» caution (lot's of the f***ing "f" word inside)
» spooooky
» When the going gets tough, the "Girl From Ipanema" gets going
» on the streets
» Welcome to Boston!
» they call it "blogging?"
» Big Fat Random!
» An Open Letter of Apology to the Hosts and Guests of the Party I Attended on Friday Night
» Janie Porche Week: Day 1

» hallowteen post-mortem
» back off MoFo
» $19.95 + S/H
» 3 (three) is the magic # (number)
» V-Amped!
» Reject
» Souper Salad . . . you are dead to me.
» So, I was thinking . . .
» Effortless
» where i was on sept. 11
» Suds n Fluff

» good bye fishies
» somebody put it
» the sounds that robots make
» heh
» Sprung!
» tick . . .tck . . .tk
» Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord
» Might as well face it, you're addicted . . .
» give thanks for nothing
» Fecal Fraudulence
» "There's Always More Guests than Snacks."

» Janie Porche Week: Day 2
» Let Us Collapse Our Lungs Together
» Get on the Bus . . .
» Are you down with the sickness?
» I just touched over 200 hands.
» White
» Standing on the Edge . . . Raiser's Edge
» Hangin' Tuff!
» Ode on a Char-Char Binx
» Saddam Tech Time
» haiku for a dream

» Nightmares and Chimney Sweeps
» Five (5)
» couple-a-things

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