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:: December 2003 ::
» the legend
» back off MoFo
» Saddam Tech Time
» Short-shorts
» lionel who?

:: November 2003 ::
» Pork Chop Sandwiches!?!?!?
» Oh, come on now . . .
» 5 (five) crickets in a jar
» hallowteen post-mortem
» the sounds that robots make

:: October 2003 ::
» Hallow-who, Hallow-what?
» not my fault
» somebody put it
» spooooky
» we in da heights yo!
» i am my neighbor
» Quickie

:: September 2003 ::
» Might as well face it, you're addicted . . .
» Requium for an Orange Lighter
» where i was on sept. 11
» Pork;Porkophile

:: August 2003 ::
» men in gowns
» Public Service Announcement

:: July 2003 ::
» no way in funk
» sometimes if you're nice
» give thanks for nothing
» caution (lot's of the f***ing "f" word inside)
» Fecal Fraudulence

:: June 2003 ::
» good bye fishies
» movie treatment:one legged jimmy and the free yogurt
» I Love Message Boards
» To All Benefit Elegible Employees
» enlarge your prose.

:: May 2003 ::
» Spread the f'ing sunshine
» Hey Jealousy . . .
» Suds n Fluff
» and today's guest author is . . .
» If there is a smoking ban in Boston, why are all these chicks so "smokin'"?
» Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord

:: April 2003 ::
» spring through the eyes of pixies
» Hello, is it me you're looking for?
» Big Fat Random!
» What the War Didn't Do
» Naive words of a washed up punk rocker
» On the T I cannot help but read the signs

:: March 2003 ::
» Man, let me tell you . . .
» My feelings on the current world situation . . .
» one of those weirdos that hangs around in public restrooms
» an excerpt from the "Hysterectomy Directory" or "Mark that down in the H.D." pt. 2
» an excerpt from the "Hysterectomy Directory" or "Mark that down in the H.D." pt. 1

:: February 2003 ::
» Yeah, My Body is a Wonderland Too, Big F'ing Deal
» I just touched over 200 hands.
» White
» Reject
» Souper Salad . . . you are dead to me.
» Standing on the Edge . . . Raiser's Edge

:: January 2003 ::
» Hangin' Tuff!
» Ode on a Char-Char Binx
» Ladies in Slacks
» "Beat the T! Beat the T!"
» Get on the Bus . . .
» Is it just me or . . .
» no . . . really . . . STOP TOUCHING ME!!!

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