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are you threatening me? 
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almost bitten 
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Subway Stories: true stories from new york's transit system 
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damn metrocard swipers
by Kelly
Going home during rush hour at the 34th street subway station I was trying to go through the turnstile with my token. Yet, there was a fella trying to swipe me through with his metro card and he was being pushy. I told him to go away and leave me alone, but he already swiped me through and pressured me to go through.

So as I went through and tried to go down the steps. Then he starts hollering hey where's my token, where's my token and punched me lightly in the arm.

I turn around annoyed and pissed off and say "here, dont' hit me bitch". I turn around to go down the steps and he says "what" and PUSHES ME DOWN THE STEPS FROM BEHIND!
I fell down the whole flight of steps, but luckily the right way. I get up and start crying due to rage and fear (not so much pain). Only 1 man stops to see if I'm okay and tries to chase after him, but another fella tells him to don't bother because he has a gun. I go to report the incident and it took forever for two cops to appear. I could have gotten the cops off the street faster than when they came.

So, for all you subway riders avoid those metrocard swipers like the plague. (This guy was black, tall, thin and wore a trench coat).
*All for a measily token..

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