Stories of the love gone bad lovestinks
The Stories...
girl of my dreams dumped me! 
dumped through a text message. 
crazy brits 
dumped by a huge loser 
unbelievable: he broke up with me! 
what are the odds? 
i was dumper and dumpee 
dumped on national tv 
dumped by a loser 
pretty girl 
summertime math girl 
a david lynchy kind of love 
why valentine's day shouldn’t exist 
potato boy rejection 
pee on leg 
my semi-formally formal 
dangling in the tournifouria 
dumped on new years by finacee 
dumped by his fiancee 
intruder alert 
mrs. robot would not go out with me 
double dump 
love me back. 
rat bastard asshole 
worst road trip ever 
she came in through the balcony window 
bank farm bag 
rhapsody in black and blue 
tea time 
friends hold hands 
what are you trying to say? 
go back to montana 
regret! regret! 
i'll have that sex to go... 
no, you can't have any of my fries 
but i got a boner for you in the maimi 
kissing my mom 
the famous blue raincoat 
007 the hard way 
i should gotten a clue? 
moss mouth 
rollerskating party 
right this way sir 
two bad 
not my flannel sheets! 
down boy! down! 
ally mcbeal 
the road less traveled by 
fetal position 
oooo, soundtracks 
soundtracks for dumpees 
what's so damn funny? 
he lived in his parents' garage 
yellow shoes 
give me book! i will read it! 
poo boy. 
you don't have to go home but you can't stay here 
todd synagogue 
mrs flynt's heartbreak class 
computer held hostage 
don't leave / do leave 
Love Stinks. Sometimes we get dumped.
: submit your own

A David Lynchy Kind of Love
by Alice
This was not my first nor would it be my last relationship defined primarily by mutual self-loathing.
What made this one special, though, was the sultry free-for-all quality of the disgust. Also, the boy had very soft straight hair just long enough to fall forward and brush against my face when he kissed me. His kisses were gentle and careful and impossible to predict whether they’d come before or after the snide cutting comment, bitter laugh or eye rolling disdain.
Hot stuff.
It might have ended that one afternoon at the pond when he told me to close my eyes and open my mouth, he had something for me. And I asked what it was. And he wouldn’t tell me. His fingers were pinched over something small. “Close your eyes”, he told me.
He didn’t say, “Trust me”. I’m sure of that.
“No”, I told him. “What is it?”
He sighed and tossed whatever it was into the pond.
“What was it?” I asked him.
“You’ll never know”, he said. And I didn’t ask again, because I knew I would not.

That was not the actual end, but we were getting closer. The end came one afternoon when I realized I’d left my wallet in his apartment. I knew he would be working late. I knew I could get into his apartment by climbing up the fire escape and in through his kitchen window.
I could do that and perhaps he’d never know, except I felt sure somehow he would. Climbing into his apartment when he was not there would be it. The end. I knew that.
I think I thought it was time to end it and this would be an interesting way to do it. But, more than that there was a band I wanted to see that evening and I’d need my I.D. to get in.

So, I did it. Climbed the fire escape and in through the window. I didn’t look at let alone touch any of his creepy Christian icons, or his David Lynch memorabilia or any of the other morbidly disturbing kitschy shit he loved so much. I barely breathed the air in his apartment, but I did leave a note. “Sorry to do this, but I had to get my wallet”.

At three o’clock in the morning my roommate woke me up, “Bob’s here, I told him you were sleeping”. He appeared at the doorway and my roommate fled. I bolted upright in bed. He took a step closer and I scrambled to my feet and stood at the head of my twin-sized bed. He stepped up onto my bed and faced me, shaking with rage. We bounced a little, not on purpose, more for balance, like kids will on a trampoline. He shook his finger at me and said “You!” Just once before he bounced off and stomped out.

A couple of months later I saw him on the street. He told me he’d met someone. And she didn’t speak English and he didn’t speak her language and because of that it made communication between them very precious with no room for bullshit.

I remember trying to keep from grinning for about half a second. I really loved that idiot boy. And then I laughed. He shook his head in "why do I bother" type disgust, rolled his eyes like he would and kissed me- a brief, soft, hair-brushed peck on the cheek. At least that’s how I remember it.

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