Stories of the love gone bad lovestinks
The Stories...
girl of my dreams dumped me! 
dumped through a text message. 
crazy brits 
dumped by a huge loser 
unbelievable: he broke up with me! 
what are the odds? 
i was dumper and dumpee 
dumped on national tv 
dumped by a loser 
pretty girl 
summertime math girl 
a david lynchy kind of love 
why valentine's day shouldn’t exist 
potato boy rejection 
pee on leg 
my semi-formally formal 
dangling in the tournifouria 
dumped on new years by finacee 
dumped by his fiancee 
intruder alert 
mrs. robot would not go out with me 
double dump 
love me back. 
rat bastard asshole 
worst road trip ever 
she came in through the balcony window 
bank farm bag 
rhapsody in black and blue 
tea time 
friends hold hands 
what are you trying to say? 
go back to montana 
regret! regret! 
i'll have that sex to go... 
no, you can't have any of my fries 
but i got a boner for you in the maimi 
kissing my mom 
the famous blue raincoat 
007 the hard way 
i should gotten a clue? 
moss mouth 
rollerskating party 
right this way sir 
two bad 
not my flannel sheets! 
down boy! down! 
ally mcbeal 
the road less traveled by 
fetal position 
oooo, soundtracks 
soundtracks for dumpees 
what's so damn funny? 
he lived in his parents' garage 
yellow shoes 
give me book! i will read it! 
poo boy. 
you don't have to go home but you can't stay here 
todd synagogue 
mrs flynt's heartbreak class 
computer held hostage 
don't leave / do leave 
Love Stinks. Sometimes we get dumped.
: submit your own

Dumped by a huge loser
by donnabeee
I've always had a great track record with men, at 27 I had a pretty good five year relationship with a very respectful, caring architect. The sex was good, we'd finished grad school together but I felt it was such a committed/steady relationship that i was too young to be in it. Maybe i was just bored with perfection, anyhow - the best thing was for us to try being apart and me to grow as a single person.

Jump 6 months of me moving out, dating a random series of different men and generally trying to sort out my single groove.

Enter Mike... at 33 he owned his own business and was a single dad living on his own and trying to get things together after splitting up with the mother of his child. After a few weeks of dating the reality started to set in. He was arrested for domestic dispute with his ex- something involving a knife, drank like a fish, spent all his money on drugs, alcohol and after hours parties, needed sleeping pills to get through the night. He couldn't stand to be alone so he spent his nights chatting with trashy women on msn, the business was at best neglected – him only working when he felt like it.

He chain smoked and was infected with HPV (because of the excessive amount of women he'd slept with never using protection), he had tattoos and a brand of his ex's initials on his ass that he pranced around naked almost showing them off after sleeping with me. He treated me terribly, making me feel guilty if he paid for a drink or dinner (complaining that his unemployed ex was taking all his money), calling me to explain his theories on whales, yelling at me and hanging up on me, telling me how female friends of his didn't like the way i looked (they're into plastic surgery) and just generally being an asshole for three weeks.
However he called me 4 to 6 times a day telling me how cute i was and how he couldn't believe i went out with him, bragging about me to his friends and the sex was fantastic. My friends at the firm i worked at were perplexed as to why i let someone like this stress me out and affect my life. After three weeks he calls one night to say he's still in love with the young mother of his child who he has repeatedly referred to as a trashy, manipulative, lazy, woman. Yes the same one that tried to stab him for sleeping around on her. Saying he couldn't "see" me anymore but if i wanted to keep sleeping with him we could be "friends".

So i was dumped by probably the worst looking, least ambitious, most negative, toxic person I'd ever dated. I'm an idiot with a great career, education, family, friends and an ex/re-boyfriend that will thankfully laugh at my ridiculousness and tuck me into bed with a kiss on the forehead.

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