director: vincent parannaud and marjane satrapi
This is the first film adapted from a graphic novel that I have seen that looked and felt like a graphic novel. In saying this, I mean no offense to 'Ghost World' or "V For Vendetta,' but there was something necessary about having this film animated.
reviewed by: blaine |  February 2008 [link] |  recommend

director: brian helgeland
If you want to see the Dodgers actually score some runs, you should see this movie because their current 80 million dollar line up can't seem to do it, and I hope the game this afternoon proves me wrong. Also, Harrison Ford is in it along with that guy from Scrubs and that guy from Firefly.
reviewed by: jen |  April 2013 [link] |  recommend

director: ben affleck
Even though I knew how this very tense thriller set during the Iranian hostage crisis would end, I still sat at the edge of my seat with my arms folded across my chest and wondered why these guys didn't just use cell phones; then I remembered it was 1980, a time when you could also smoke on airplanes. Star Wars fans, check out the cool action figures.
reviewed by: jen |  October 2012 [link] |  recommend

director: ridley scott
Not only was the ending a confusing muddle, but the opening scene and most of the middle made no sense to me. I just wanted to see aliens taking out a bunch of quirky characters, and I was disappointed.
reviewed by: jen |  June 2012 [link] |  recommend

avengers assemble
director: joss whedon
For the first time in two months, I stepped into a cinema and experienced this wham bang boom super hero extravaganza. Afterwards, I wasn't sure what I saw, but I had to wear sunglasses on a cloudy day.
reviewed by: jen |  May 2012 [link] |  recommend

tinker tailor soldier spy
director: tomas alfredson
The drab 70s color scheme, ensemble of intense European actors, lack of gadgets, and Gary Oldman's eye glasses could be a turn off, but this film is more fun than a barrel full of bad James Bond movies. I walked out afterwards smiling for Smiley.
reviewed by: jen |  January 2012 [link] |  recommend

the artist
director: michel hazanavicius
At a screening of this delightful silent film (with a music score), two audience members got into an argument before everyone around them hissed a very loud SHHHHHHHHHH. I liked this movie more than I thought I would, and the dog (a real dog, not a CGI dog) stole the picture.
reviewed by: jen |  November 2011 [link] |  recommend

the trip
director: michael winterbottom
The funniest bits in this post-modern restaurant buddy road comedy set in the North of England and starring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon are in the second half after the scallops. You will look at ABBA in a whole new way.
reviewed by: jen |  July 2011 [link] |  recommend

x-men: first class
director: matthew vaughn
Welcome Aboard X-Men Flight Number Five. Passengers in our first class cabin will be watching a groovy sixties mutation with crazy pattern wallpaper, miniskirts, and just the right dash of erotic subtext between the two leads to inspire bored suburban housewives to write smutty stories for years.
reviewed by: jen |  July 2011 [link] |  recommend 1 thumbs up

the social network
director: david fincher

reviewed by: jen |  November 2010 [link] |  recommend 2 thumbs up

leap year
director: arnand tucker
Even though I could predict every single moment of this film from beginning to end, I don't think it's as awful as all the critics say. If you want to escape from the awards season prestigue picture blahs, you can go to Ireland for ninety minutes on a rom com romp with good looking leads and not get wet.
reviewed by: jen |  January 2010 [link] |  recommend

the last station
director: michael hoffman
Gosh, I never knew that if you point a camera up at tree branches in a forest, you can show how cool nature is. The only decent thing in this bad episode of Masterpiece Theatre about Leo Tolstoy (played with full beard by Captain Von Trapp) is Dame Helen Mirren who can still play sexy indecency better than any actress of any age.
reviewed by: jen |  December 2009 [link] |  recommend

bright star
director: jane campion
I knew from English Lit class and Keats' first cough how it was going to end, but watching young Fanny cry out for her dead love was such a thing of beauty that I wept right along with her.
reviewed by: jen |  September 2009 [link] |  recommend 1 thumbs up

paper heart
director: nicholas jasenovec
I felt the love. I liked the puppets.
reviewed by: jen |  August 2009 [link] |  recommend

the taking of pelham 1 2 3
director: tony scott
This urban action thriller about the hijacking of a 6 train in Manhattan is a lot of fun when the characters behave like assholes, but when the film becomes a valentine to New York City, the whole thing gets really lame. Travolta and Washington competently lead a cast of guy-guy character actors, but I still missed the 1974 version's Walter Matthau who could be both an asshole and a valentine at the same time.
reviewed by: jen |  June 2009 [link] |  recommend

director: gotz spielmann
This film from Austria, a nominee for best foreign language film, might seem at first to be a revenge thriller,but it is really an ensemble drama about four characters who are lonely even when they are together. Even though at times the film might seem like a bad Euro-art house cliche, the filmmaking and acting is so low-key that the film disappears all together and what's left on the screen are some very deep characters capable of surprising right up to the end.
reviewed by: jen |  May 2009 [link] |  recommend

the boat that rocked
director: richard curtis
I wanted this movie to be great but knew it was very unlikely. There is a beautiful underwater scene with records floating up through the flood waters that was worth the price of admission, or would have been if London had discount afternoon matinees and, though some performances were phoned in, the ensemble of lesser-knowns pulled this from the depths of comedy drudgery to make it an amusing and fun film about sex, drugs, and pirate radio, plus I have kind of a thing for Bill Nighy.
reviewed by: Eve |  April 2009 [link] |  recommend

let the right one in
director: tomas alfredson
This the best Swedish, slightly erotic, bleak as hell, but weirdly pastoral, adolescent vampire friendship movie you will ever see. Here is another sentence.
reviewed by: john ball |  December 2008 [link] |  recommend

nick & norah's infinite playlist
director: peter sollett
Basically, this movie is a documentary of any given Friday night in my life, but with much less angst. That aside, it's sweet and has its charms, you even get a glimpse of a Merge Records sticker in the opening scene, but with names like Nick & Norah, I was hoping for a little more tension, and I'm now going to add Valley Girl to my Netflix list to re-watch my better teenage version of this flick.
reviewed by: john ball |  December 2008 [link] |  recommend

quantum of solace
director: marc forster
This movie has shooting from cars, shooting from boats, shooting from planes, breaking glass, Italy, fires, the desert, creepy global environmental organizations, British accents, a beautiful woman seeking vengeance, a handsome man (Daniel Craig as James Bond) seeking the same, and Bolivia! The more of these things that you like, the more you will like Quantum of Solace.
reviewed by: Eve |  November 2008 [link] |  recommend

director: mike leigh
Not much happens in a Mike Leigh film except these completely realized characters (after months of workshopping, they say) leap out at you and practically lick your face with trueness. What a pleasure just to watch these characters be.
reviewed by: adina |  October 2008 [link] |  recommend 1 thumbs up

director: matteo garrone
A gritty view into the ruthlessness of Italian Camorra syndicate and the business of killing. Not exactly The Sopranos.
reviewed by: Eve |  October 2008 [link] |  recommend

rachel getting married
director: jonathan demme
This movie annoyed me and made me physically ill.
reviewed by: jen |  October 2008 [link] |  recommend

tropic thunder
director: ben stiller
Maybe I've read too much Henry Miller, but I sooo want to put an OF into the title to make it TROPIC OF THUNDER. Maybe I've dealt with too many crazy actors, but I found myself laughing when no one else in the audience was laughing.
reviewed by: jen |  August 2008 [link] |  recommend

director: isabel coixet
This feeble attempt at soft core art house porn opens with Ben Kingsley's character (a critic and intellectual) being interviewed by the real Charlie Rose and goes downhill from there (with the exception of Dennis Hopper's stroke scene). After two hours of watching Kingsley's character have an affair with one of his students (how scandalous) played by Penelope Cruz, I walked out of the Harmony Gold screening room and declared quite loudly that this film is baaaaaaaaad.
reviewed by: jen |  August 2008 [link] |  recommend

encounters at the end of the world
director: werner herzog
In his documentary about the Antartic Community of nutty scientists, Werner Herzog went searching for the extreme in man, but he found the vagina of the earth.
reviewed by: jen |  July 2008 [link] |  recommend 1 thumbs up

there will be blood
director: paul thomas anderson
I saw this movie and liked it a lot - with reservations. It drank my milkshake, but it did not drink it all up.
reviewed by: blaine |  February 2008 [link] |  recommend

vince vaughn's wild west comedy show
director: ari sandel
The complete title of this movie is: Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights Hollywood to the Heartland, and in it, Vince Vaughn and four stand up comedians go on the road for (how long?) 30 days and 30 nights. Don't worry, this combination of reality television and Spinal Tap is a lot of fun especially when the comedians are up on stage. Yeeee-hah-hah-hah.
reviewed by: jen |  February 2008 [link] |  recommend

director: matt reeves
This movie dished out enough of the creepy, eerie moments I love, that I feel compelled to forgive it's many shortcomings (folks who say the acting sucked SHOULD be saying, "Those folks did a totally fine job of playing the kind of people you generally love to hate). The ending has been creeping around in my conscience all day, and as a note to the eagle-eyed viewer, at the VERY end, keep an eye on the ocean in the background for a juicy visual hint-nugget about, um, 'stuff'.
reviewed by: eric w |  January 2008 [link] |  recommend

director: joe wright
I went to see this movie not really knowing what it was about but I was promised a tragic love story claiming to be "one of the year's best films." Other than the beautiful costumes and stunning scenery this movie left me totally bored and uninspired.
reviewed by: kelly |  January 2008 [link] |  recommend

director: jason reitman
Miss Juno and her wild band are apparently in the hip Indie film of the season. At times, it felt like Indie Film 101, but I still liked it and was especially moved by the lead character's quirky and quite unlikely journey to a state that I can only describe as grace.
reviewed by: jen |  January 2008 [link] |  recommend

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