dan in real life
director: peter hedges
A romantic comedy that is actually charming, witty, sad and painful- just like real life- ok, maybe not totally like real life, but it is at least worth seeing to watch Steve Carell play guitar and sing "Let My Love Open the Door". Also of note: it is set in the beautiful part of Rhode Island.
reviewed by: Eve |  November 2007 [link] |  recommend

dancer in the dark
director: lars von trier
I think people are either going to love or hate this film, I fall into the former category. This is a beautiful and harrowing tale of innocence and sacrifice in a horrible world, Bjork is pretty great in her first film role and her musical numbers are amazing (the one with the train comes to mind); those who are susceptible to motion sickness beware…lots of handheld digital camera action going on here.
reviewed by: JohnLawton |  October 2000 [link] |  recommend

dancer upstairs, the
director: john malkovich
When the money gathered around a completely disimilar sceenplay with Dance in the title, "Dances with Wolves," the money said "you can't make this picture if you kill the dog," the idea being that a dead dog just doesn't sell. In Nicolas Shakespeare's screen adaptation of his novel, boy are there plenty of dead dogs--strung up on poles with revolutionary placards attached or strapped with explosives in a crowded marketplace--and the effect is profoundly violent and disturbing in this oddly believable yet surreal (in the strictest sense) grand-scale detective story; but don't see this for the dead dogs, please, go for Javier Bardem, possibly the best actor working, and don't go for the one weak plot hinge (an unconvincing love interest), again, go for Javier Bardem, and the amazing landscape, dogs and all (no animals were actually harmed).
reviewed by: john ball |  June 2003 [link] |  recommend 1 thumbs up

dangerous lives of altar boys, the
director: peter care
This coming of age drama left me pretty cold; it's predictable and has some truly cringe inducing dialogue. The animated sequences of the film boast sub-Super Friends animation; but some of the kids in it are good.
reviewed by: JohnLawton |  June 2002 [link] |  recommend

director: mark steven johnson
Irrational Affleck-hatas will be disappointed to learn that this movie derails on its own (by borrowing a little from last summer's SPIDER-MAN, a lot from 1989's BATMAN, and all too little from the Marvel comic book DAREDEVIL) before Ben has a chance to ruin it. Highlights: Colin Farrell proves he really wasn't miscast as Bullseye after all, Stan Lee reprises his role in SPIDER-MAN as an old man who is almost squished, and a new category of Academy Award is in order for the special effects expert who created Jennifer Garner.
reviewed by: matthewS |  February 2003 [link] |  recommend

dark days
director: mark singer
Director Singer had never made a film before when he took his camera below Penn Station to document the lives of a group of people who called the area home. This a beautifully shot and well edited document, it never panders down of makes saintly it’s protagonists, a well done film with a noble agenda behind it.
reviewed by: JohnLawton |  October 2000 [link] |  recommend

das leben der anderen (the lives of others)
director: florian henckel von donnersmarck
Finally, finally, finally, I saw this great film (this year's academy award winner for best foreign langauge film) and what a delight it was. Set in East Germany in the 1980s, the film's characters dance through dark nights and grey Berlin days as we watch the watchers watch the ordinary become extraordinary.
reviewed by: jen |  March 2007 [link] |  recommend 2 thumbs up

day after tomorrow, the
director: roland emmerich
I am so angered by this movie that I have to write this review with just two words - IT SUCKS – not only for it’s complete disregard for geographical accuracy but also it’s lack of common sense. I know many movies have one or two items that just might not be explained but for an entire movie it is just unacceptable, I mean how the hell could a ship that is 2 blocks long navigate it’s way through New York City streets to land on 42nd street and 5th avenue in the middle of a disaster without a crew – HOW! (Side note: Rich you really need to add some thumbs down options because this movie deserves at least one.)
reviewed by: kelly |  June 2004 [link] |  recommend 21 thumbs up

death at a funeral
director: frank oz
This is a comedy about a British family at a funeral, and Uncle Alfie stool the show. I laughed out loud three different times, and one time, I was super repulsed but then proceeded to laugh even louder.
reviewed by: jen |  August 2007 [link] |  recommend 2 thumbs up

deuces wild
director: scott kalvert
Neither wild nor about a game of cards, this movie is overacted, underacted, unscripted, under-directed, over-directed and totally excellent if you are from Brooklyn and in the mood for a certain kind of movie on a certain kind of day. Prepare to have your time wasted, but if you do so willingly and with someone who can heckle as good as you, you might just enjoy this awful laffer (hang on gentle movie watcher for the Faruiza Balk rooftop scream scene; what a hoot!!!!).
(reviewed by jayne)
reviewed by: guest review |  July 2002 [link] |  recommend

die another day
director: lee tamahori
There was really not a single redeeming quality to this movie. In fact, it sucked so bad that the repeated smacking of my hand against my forehead has left an indelible red mark.
reviewed by: sara |  November 2002 [link] |  recommend 3 thumbs up

dirty pretty things
director: stephen frears
I have never before left a movie theater in a more heightened state of appreciation for the simple fact that I live where a passport and my ability to travel freely are not dependent upon my willingness to give up an internal organ. The portrayals of such dire conditions where humans must negotiate legal and illegal status in society are wonderfully acted in the most natural way by Ejiofor and Tautou, such that I almost was willing to leave a kidney behind in the Rialto's plush, velvety seat.
reviewed by: nate |  August 2003 [link] |  recommend

dodgeball: a true underdog story
director: rawson marshall thurber
Great comedy comes from great pain, and Dodgeball lives up to the great Road Runner/Coyote tradition mixed with sports films by bringing us a simple story with a lot of funny bits and a super brave performance by Ben Stiller (for the wig alone he deserves an Oscar). Liking Dodgeball more than I thought I would, I laughed out loud (really), and Steve the Pirate rocks!!!
reviewed by: jen |  July 2004 [link] |  recommend 3 thumbs up

director: kevin smith
After a promising beginning this film quickly begins to fall apart and quickly becomes a series of sophomoric
ramblings on religion. Scenes last way too long (the painful where Matt Damon and Ben Affleck slay a boardroom of evil suits comes to
mind) and a lot of the cast just seems to be there for the sake of having them in the movie.
reviewed by: JohnLawton |  July 2000 [link] |  recommend

director: lars oon trier
Mean-spirited and misanthropic to a fault, Lars von Trier's bastardization of "Our Town" wants desperately to provoke its audience--which it does about as elegantly as a frat boy whose had too many vodka red bulls. Von Trier's interminable desecration of an insanely beautiful Nicole Kidman should just be skipped.
reviewed by: Stu |  April 2004 [link] |  recommend 1 thumbs up

door in the floor
director: tod williams
Tod Williams directs his own adaptation of the first third of John Irving's novel A Widow for One Year, with Jeff Bridges as storybook author Ted Cole ("I'm just an entertainer of children... and I like to draw"). It's lots of fun, and somewhat moving, too, to watch the spectacular troubles in the House of Cole, which Ted's eager young assistant Eddie exacerbates as he masturbates.
reviewed by: matthewS |  August 2003 [link] |  recommend 1 thumbs up

director: bill condon
Halfway through this splashy epic movie musical, Jennifer Hudson steps out on a stage, sings THE song, and becomes such an oscar worthy hurricane that I wished the projectionist could rewind the film and play it again. Unfortunately, the rest of the film lacks dramatic coherence and seems to cry out 'give us oscars!' while poor Jamie Foxx gets trampled by a power sisterhood of high-C hitting super heroines.
reviewed by: jen |  February 2007 [link] |  recommend

dumb and dumberer: when harry met lloyd
director: troy miller
Bob Saget's cameo is likely the highlight of any movie that includes one; it's certainly the highlight of this prequel to 1994's DUMB & DUMBER. On our way out of the theatre, we overheard a 19-year-old kid utter the best capsule review ever to his girlfriend: "them niggaz was mad dumb!"
reviewed by: matthewS |  July 2003 [link] |  recommend

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